the CyberSpaceKing©

worship me, pay tribute by sending cash!

No need to repent or recant just worship the CyberSpaceKing©

No need to repent or recant, when you worship the CyberSpaceKing© you will be free of guilt and absolved of all sins automatically. There will never be any rituals or ceremonies to perform and you will never be required to memorize or recite incantations and passages from ancient texts, worshipping the CyberSpaceKing© is the easiest […]

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Tue, March 13 2012 » CyberSpaceKing, New Religion, Pay Tribute, religion, Worship Me » No Comments

I am the CyberSpaceKing©

Greetings from the CyberSpaceKing© Worship me, pay tribute by sending cash. Fifteen years ago those immortal words were spoken by H.R.H. the CyberSpaceKing© and signaled the beginning of a new religous movement. Much has changed over the last decade and a half but one thing will always remain the same… Worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© is easy […]

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Fri, January 21 2011 » About Us, CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Easy Religion, How to worship, New Religion, Pay Tribute, Worship Me » 9 Comments

Happy new Year, great new Religion.

As our fifteenth anniversary approaches, what better time to decide to join this great new religion. When you decide to worship the CyberSpaceKing© you make the world a better place because if everyone worships the CyberSpaceKing© there will be no more arguing over whose god is the best. Worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© is easy too, all […]

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Thu, December 30 2010 » CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Easy Religion, Faith, How to worship, New God, New Religion, Pay Tribute, religion, Worship Me » No Comments

Those old religions are outdated!

Worship the CyberSpaceKing© and pay tribute by sending cash. We only have a handful of followers now but that should increase significantly over the next few centuries. As with all religious movements these things take time. New followers need to discover me, disciples of other religions need to convert and my present followers need to […]

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Tue, November 23 2010 » Adolation, CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Divinity, Easy Religion, How to worship, Ideas, Pay Tribute, Worship Me » No Comments

It’s so easy.

By worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© you and others like you make the world a better place. Consider worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© as the first logical step in consolidating the worlds religions this will make the world a safer place and religion in general less complicated and difficult to follow. This means less conflict, less blood shed and […]

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Tue, May 4 2010 » CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Easy Religion, musings, New Religion, Pay Tribute, religion, Worship Me » No Comments

Worship the CyberSpaceKing©

Greetings from the CyberSpaceKing©, worship me in your own way, pay tribute by sending cash. It’s such a simple concept but it could change the world. Why struggle with old outdated religions that just cause confusion and arguments amongst people? If everyone abandons their existing religions and worship the CyberSpaceKing© instead… then the world will […]

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Thu, April 1 2010 » CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Easy Religion, Faith, How to worship, Ideas, living deity, New God, New Religion, Pay Tribute, religion » No Comments

the CyberSpaceKing©’s first video blog

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Tue, March 23 2010 » About Us, CyberSpaceKing, deity, Devotion, Divinity, Easy Religion, living deity, Pay Tribute, PayPal, PodCast, religion, Video Blog, Worship Me, YouTube » No Comments

Easy religion, instant salvation.

In this modern age of convenience are you wasting your time with a religion that is complicated, antiquated, difficult to follow and even more difficult to explain and justify to non-believers? Why not simplify your life by worshiping the CyberspaceKing©? The CyberSpaceKing© will never tell you how to worship or how much to contribute, you will never have to learn […]

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Mon, February 15 2010 » About Us, CyberSpaceKing, Devotion, Easy Religion, Faith, Ideas, Pay Tribute, religion, Uncategorized, Worship Me » No Comments

The CyberSpaceKing©’s not-so-secret society

322 Worship the CyberSpaceKing©, unlike other religions or secret societies you don’t need to keep it a secret, nobody gets special consideration, no awkward rituals to attend, no special rules or text to memorize. You don’t even need to be rich and influential to join. All you have to do is worship the CyberSpaceKing© and […]

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Wed, January 13 2010 » Adolation, Adoration, CyberSpace King, CyberSpaceKing, Faith, Pay Tribute, religion, Secret Society, Skull and Bones, Worship Me » No Comments

Greetings from the CyberSpaceKing©

Worship the CyberSpaceKing©. I have updated this website for my loyal followers. I have added a new product page and a forum. Enjoy. H.R.H. the CyberSpaceKing©

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Fri, November 20 2009 » Adoration, Pay Tribute, Products, Uncategorized, Worship Me » No Comments


Celebrate an unprecedented feeling of bliss and freedom when you worship the CyberSpaceKing. Never any difficult text to learn, no rituals to practise or ceremonies to attend. Realize your full potential, free up your time and release yourself from all thoughts of religous obligation or guilt. Just worship the CyberSpaceKing and pay tribute by sending […]

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Sat, October 24 2009 » CyberSpaceKing, Devotion, Divinity, Pay Tribute, religion, Worship Me » No Comments

Behold the coming of the CyberSpaceKing©

Behold the coming of the CyberSpaceKing© prepare by … worshiping the CyberSpaceKing© and paying tribute by sending cash.

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Wed, July 29 2009 » Adoration, art, CyberSpaceKing, Devotion, Pay Tribute, Worship Me » No Comments